Are You Bored?
3 min readMar 19, 2020
We are stuck together, with nowhere to go and “nothing” to do.
We have been re-assuring our kids that if we get this virus, we will be okay. However, the reason we are staying home is to minimize exposure to others and to make sure we are part of the solution, not the problem. We are doing our part, but we are bored! So, here are my ideas on how to keep yourselves and your kids entertained and maybe learn a thing or two along the way.
- Take a nature walk. Not to a playground where you have to touch equipment, but a regular walk, where you point out interesting things to each other and talk about them. Count the number of dogs, cats, squirrels you see. What did you see more or less of? Why do you think that is? There are plenty of scavenger hunts you can google online about what to look for and people have now started putting drawings in their windows for kind of an “I Spy” walk. Do this in the morning and in the evening. Compare how things look at the different times of day.
- Play a game. No, not a nintendo game or an online game. A real, you have to move the pieces around the board, game. We’ve been playing checkers and Jenga. I think I’ll get out Clue later and stretch our deductive reasoning skills!
- Better still, make up your own game! Once upon a time my eldest daughter made a game board and little pieces. The instructions weren’t very clear, but it was fun. Ask the kids to make up their own board games and then see if you can play them.
- Give everyone in your family a chance to teach the others about something they love. We used to have “My Little Pony” classes from one of my daughters. She had a book, explanations, and a quiz at the end!
- Have reading time. For 20 minutes (or more) a day. Everyone has to “Drop Everything and Read”. Then talk about what you read.
- Come up with a new cookie/cake/bread to bake. Have your child read you the recipe and figure out how to double it. You can freeze the doubled portion to enjoy next week!
- Write a letter to a friend. I have a Great Aunt who I know would like getting a letter. We will be sending her a letter. And maybe we’ll send all of our cousins one, too!
- Have a movie night (or 10). Each person in the family gets a turn to pick. Vote on which movie you liked and why. This is a great time to have your kids watch your favorites like Karate Kid (the original one), Back to the Future, or E.T.
- Do a Mad Lib. Don’t have mad libs? There’s an app. Or make your own!
- Ask your kids what they want to learn while they are out of school. Remind them they can’t go somewhere to learn so keep it within the bounds of what mom and/or dad know (or what you can learn on youtube).
- Facetime/Call your friends. Outside contact is important! Make some time to walk with other people.
- Tell stories. My kids love to hear funny stories about us growing up. It also helps them to know they aren’t the only ones going through weird/embarrassing times.
And remember, kids love a schedule. So try to eat at regular times, wake and sleep at regular times, etc. We’re all in this together — just at a distance!