Be An AdvocateBe an Advocate Throughout my years of teaching and parenting, I have had to learn to advocate for my own kids, my students, and myself…Aug 18, 2024Aug 18, 2024
Change is challenging.For all children, change can be challenging and stressful. For children with anxiety, it can be extra tricky. As much as they seem to push…Jan 8, 2024Jan 8, 2024
Pandemic Effect on StudentsWe are closing in on the end of our first “normal” school year since the 2018–2019 school year. You read that right. The 2019–2020 school…May 21, 2023May 21, 2023
Consistency is KeyI need to work on being consistent in many areas of my life. Dishes? Those can wait until tomorrow. Laundry? That only happens on the…Oct 31, 20221Oct 31, 20221
Back to School AnxietyWith three kids and a teacher in our house, the start of school is always a busy time of year. We go from the lazy, unscheduled days of…Aug 8, 2022Aug 8, 2022
Sense of SelfWe have all talked about self-care as educators, parents, and human beings. Taking time for self-care is extremely important. What is also…Jul 11, 2022Jul 11, 2022
Expectations For AllAs a parent, you have certain hopes and dreams for your child(ren). As your child grows older, these hopes and dreams turn into…May 30, 2022May 30, 2022
BoundariesLately I have been working on creating and keeping boundaries for myself. Setting boundaries around my needs sounded scary to me at first…Apr 21, 2022Apr 21, 2022
Support for allSupport can come in many different forms. As an elementary educator, I support my students by teaching them the basics of their academic…Oct 11, 2021Oct 11, 2021
Everything to EveryoneAs a wife, a parent, and an educator I wear a lot of hats. I’m lucky to have a great husband who has a lot of patience and understanding…Aug 15, 2021Aug 15, 2021